At the moment, there is no selling online of gadgets of the Sanctuary.
There are no relics of the Saint available, which are however granted only upon request of parishes named after Saint Lucia and whose application for concession is presented by the local Bishop.
We therefore invite you not to submit requests that cannot be satisfied.
Be wary of those who offer relics for sale. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints of the Holy See published a document in 2017 entitled “Relics in the Church: authenticity and conservation” in which it reiterates that: Relics in the Church have always received particular veneration and attention, because the body of the blessed and saints, destined for the Resurrection, was on earth the living temple of the Holy Spirit and the instrument of their sanctity recognized by the Apostolic See through beatification and canonization. The same document also reiterates that: The trade and sale of relics are absolutely prohibited, as well as their display in profane or unauthorized places.