Groups Booking
Groups requesting the celebration of Mass must send a request to the Sanctuary written by the parish or celebrant’s email, with information on:
1. Nature of the group and number of participants.
2. Parish or community of origin with contact details (telephone, address and email)
3. Name of the celebrant and “personal celebret”.
4. The celebrant must bring his own alb and liturgical texts (if foreign).
The same requests apply to individual celebrating priests without a group following: they will be invited to concelebrate in the scheduled masses.
Depending on the number of participants and the requested time, the celebration may take place in the church or in the weekday chapel. It is not permitted to celebrate on the altar of Santa Lucia.
We invite parish group leaders or agencies to make a reservation in advance using the following link
Due to the restoration work in progress, the Sanctuary does not have meeting rooms or toilets. We apologize for this.