On March 19, the feast of Saint Joseph, the putative father of Jesus, is celebrated on the day in which his birth into heaven, or rather his death, is remembered. In the Sanctuary of Lucia, Saint Joseph is present in some paintings part of the iconographic cycle dedicated to the Madonna:
One of these, on the right side altar, is The Death of Saint Joseph by Maggiotto, from 1805. It is an episode of the life of the saint unknown to the scriptures but present in the devotional and apocryphal tradition.
On the day of his feast in which we remember all the fathers, today in the Sanctuary we also want to celebrate all the fathers who have left us and are no longer with us. Holy Mass is celebrated on Wednesday, March 19 at 4:30 pm.
Service, humility, concealment, fidelity, constancy: these are some of the characteristics of Saint Joseph that make him considered in our time a saint apparently “out of fashion” but precisely for this reason prophetically relevant.
It is thanks to his gifts and qualities that the mystery of salvation is realized, giving hope to the world.